Friday, June 27, 2008


This was a fun challenge.
A friend of mine hired me to do "caricatures" for an invitation.
BUT they had to be *shudder* "cute" "cute" and "nice" are worse than most 4-letter words to caricaturists.
It's not that I don't do CUTE, it's that cute rarely evokes laughter, which is really what I strive for. I've done plenty of caricatures of cute babies and kids-but that's because they WERE cute. It's not a "cute caricature", it's a caricature of a cute kid. Anyway, I showed this initial sketch-which was then immediately refused-it was a zoo theme-since he worked at the zoo-but then it was switched to Super Hero theme.. we decided to go with a more SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONY CARICATURE. The final was done completely in Illustrator (except the gradient in the cape-PS)

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