Monday, October 5, 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015


GEARING up for another Animated Digital Caricature show assembly with Ms. Love's Mystical Island Adventure!


-SOOO- Come on out GET ANIMATED and take your chance on winning a FREE kindle!

Wednesday, September 23 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m

Cedar Crest College

100 College Drive

Allentown, PA 18104

Sunday, April 19, 2015

1st Birthday Party!

Cheeky birthday party for a one-year-old cutie! Great laughs at first birthday!
Lotsa laughs and crazy fun big cheeks to draw too!
Thanks Shanera!
#livecaricatureentertainment #harringtoons #Fun #birthdaycaricatures#laughter#wildfun#funcaricatures#Caricatures #fullbodycaricatures #colorcaricatures #philacaricatures#cuties#Babycaricatures#harringtoon#livecaricaturesphila

Batters up at Upper Perk!

Batters up! Great laughs for Upper Perks Baseball bash!
Lotsa laughs and crazy funny kids to draw too! Always great and interesting when you're doing a gig and someone comes up while you're drawing  their kid to tell you how you drew them about five or 10 years ago and they still have it hanging in their home! A cold and windy day so I only had time for a few pics-
Thanks Stevi!
#livecaricatureentertainment #harringtoons #Fun #baseballcaricatures#laughter#wildfun#funcaricatures#Caricatures #fullbodycaricatures #colorcaricatures #philacaricatures#cuties#Perkiomencaricatures#harringtoon#livecaricatures

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Beware the Warehouse Update!

finally finished with the animation work on my end for this very super cool project for 38th films! I learned so much on this project and really enjoyed seeing the vision come to life. Hopefully this is just an intro for what's to come for these wonderfully wild wacky characters as they are introduced to the new techno /gizmo mediums- Now it's off to the sound effects and recording guys to work their magic!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

TheWalking on Eggshells Dead

I had some really fun faces around Easter – I'll post them soon – in the meantime two of my favorite things are  now history until next season-here's my whacked out tribute to them! I hope you dig!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hairy Fun!

Super crazy fun night drawing super crazy fun facial hair! Some awesome and wild characters at this gig! Absolutely a great crowd and they really dug the crazy fun cartoon stuff, created by myself and the always entertaining certified lunatic Johnny Sprague!
There were muttonchops, mustachios, goatees, vandykes, steam punkers, Dick Dastardly, lumberjack, Jerry Garcia, etc. etc. styles some from Maine, PA, New Jersey, and some of the coolest people I ever met from Canada- Toronto facial hair club!
Some good tippers and great laughs!
Thanks Rob, all the sitters, and the East Coast Beard and Mustache club!
livecaricatureentertainment #harringtoons #Fun#beardCaricatures#mustacheCaricatures#laughter#wildfun#funcaricatures#groupcaricatures#certifiedlunaticJohnny Sprague #fullbodycaricatures #black-and-whiteCaricatures#tla#EBmcCaricatures#harringtoon#livecaricaturespa#livecaricaturesephilly#wantedposterCaricatures#ecbmc#ecbmcvol4#ecbmc4

Thursday, March 26, 2015

One thing leads to another!

One thing leads to another! Busy gig for Lutheran Church results in 75th Birthday on St Patrick's Day week! Diddly Diddly- Most St. Patrick's Day weekend gigs are in very noisy, crowded and boozy bars, This last minute fun Bday gig was a very welcome change of pace! After seeing how much enjoyment the crowd was getting out of watching my crazy fun cartooning, A lovely redheaded lass came up and asked if I would be available the next day for her husband's birthday party and thankfully I was! The fun & laughter continued throughout and even went 1.5 hrs OT!
Fun- loving crowd and some interesting requests! 
Thanks Peter & Thanks Mary! 
#livecaricatureentertainment #harringtoons #Fun #laughter #funcaricatures#groupcaricatures #Caricatures #fullbodycaricatures #colorcaricatures ##familycaricatures #birthdaycaricatures

Friday, March 13, 2015

Crazy Fun Caricatures at Purim Party!

Crazy Fun Caricatures at Purim Party!
Quite a variety at this party – I did full-color ,splash color, full body, half body, singles, couples, and groups.
I went from cutesy too crazy feeding off the laughter and vibes of my sitters and spectators! I drew some of the people twice and each time I drew them I saw something else crazier in their face! Thanks Mendy, and all the fun people who sat for me to draw them cute or crazy!
#livecaricatureentertainment #harringtoons #Fun #laughter#wildfun#funcaricatures#groupcaricatures #Caricatures #fullbodycaricatures #colorcaricatures #Kcprime#purimcaricatures#Holidaypartycaricatures#harringtoon#livecaricaturesmainline#chabadmainline